Endorsed Candidates
We exist to provide support to Republican candidates on local, state and federal levels.

Plumsted Township Committee
Michael Hammerstone
- Married with four children
- 37-year resident
- IBEW Electrician for 10 years
- Former Member IBEW Local 102
- Hammer Electric since 2004
- Sponsor for many Rec programs
- Little League Coach for 5+ years
- Created scholarship for graduating seniors continuing education in trades and engineering
Our Commitment to You
Defeat the Woke
We are not going to give up, shut up, or let up. In fact, we are just getting warmed up! We take our oath to the Constitution very seriously. Our town must remain a refuge for families like our own; where truth prevails, hard work matters, and our rights are preserved. Our commitment to you is that we will continue to speak the truth and make a difference.

Candidates Backed by Leading Organizations

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Let us know if you have any questions. We will get back with you and help you in a timely manner.