About Our Club
We aim to promote and provide support to Republican candidates on local, state and federal levels.
Who We Are
We Are Plumsted Township Residents Seeking to Serve and Preserve Our Community
The Plumsted Township Republican Club exists to advance Republican values and Republican candidates. We champion the conservative cause. We believe in the power of a positive message. We support our community and local businesses. We invest our time and energy in making Plumsted Township the best it can be… today and for future generations.

What We Stand for
We Support Candidates that Align with Our Values
- Support Law Enforcement and First Responders
- Support Preservation of Farmland Open Space and Support Recreation Programs
- Promote Fiscal Responsibility to Maintain a Stable Tax Rate
- Re-Develop Downtown to Provide Business Opportunities and More Services for Residents
- Keep Woke Agenda and Policies Out of Plumsted Township

Our Commitment to You
Defeat the Woke
We are not going to give up, shut up, or let up. In fact, we are just getting warmed up! We take our oath to the Constitution very seriously. Our town must remain a refuge for families like our own; where truth prevails, hard work matters, and our rights are preserved. Our commitment to you is that we will continue to speak the truth and make a difference.

“I am thankful that the Plumsted Republican Club works hard to make sure that the people representing us are representing our values.”
“I am thankful that the local club takes care to hold our local elected representatives accountable.”
“I believe that everything rises and falls on leadership. Those in leadership of this club are committed and organized.”
Join Us
Our Community is Like Family
We take extreme pride in being residents of Plumsted Township. We enjoy working together for betterment of our community. Partner with us as we support Republican candidates to bring about effective change.
Contact Us
Let us know if you have any questions. We will get back with you and help you in a timely manner.